Bead Making Workshop
Location: Neechie Commons
A dozen members of the Cultural Studies Research Group (CSRG) joined artist Rebecca Belmore to help in the creation of her latest installation, TRACE, commissioned by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR). Using Red River gumbo (clay) unearthed by municipally contracted sewer and utility workers and donated to the artist, Belmore along with hundreds of volunteers hand-crafted 14,000 plus individual clay beads as the basis for a forty-foot high installation that she intended to resemble a "blanket on a hook or a towel on a doorknob."
At our bead making workshop held in Belmore's temporary studio at Neechi Commons, CSRG members were given pieces of clay which they pressed into beads the size of the negative space of a fist, bearing impressions or "traces" of their hand and finger prints. Belmore’s use of the blanket motif and local clay speaks to both the colonial legacy of the HBC blanket and the extensive archeological process undertaken in preparation for the museum's constuction. It is a nod to the particular significance of place, in this case, Treaty 1 Territory, ancestral land of the Anishinaabe and Métis people.
[photo credits: Angela Failler]